Armelle Chiari, metal founder
Armelle has chosen a profession that allows her to calibrate sensations, effort, and the movements of her body in the transformation of matter. Transforming matter helps her transform herself.
She feels the need for a physical and demanding encounter with the elements. In the interaction between herself and the material, she finds a centre of gravity that becomes the centre of awareness from which she listens to herself, monitoring the quality and level of her psycho-physical well-being, growth, and independence.
She has a natural inclination for materials, such as metals—materials that demand confrontation, that challenge her, that adapt to her strong physique, that do not allow for idleness, that keep her focused, and that push her to keep pace in order to do the right thing.
She gravitates towards working with metals, transforming them through phases that require strength and involve a variety of careful attentions and movements. The art foundry, rich in possibilities and marked by diverse stages of work leading to the creation of an object, aligns with A.C.’s need for a step-by-step transformation.
Confined within her fireproof suit, she measures her own limits and her growing confidence in both her craft and the metal. From this, she draws security and satisfaction.
She establishes boundaries even with heat. Like metal, which requires heat and incandescence to transform and be shaped, A.C., too, needs sensations and emotions to illuminate the shadowed parts of her character—like torches gradually lighting up darkened rooms. Anchored in her centre of gravity, she turns the boundary’s limit into a resource, a threshold for exchange and shared experience with the material.
Armelle sheds her hardness and looks at herself with less severity, ready to embrace new experiences and integrate them into her life.
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Gli altri contributi della mostra
Sevérina Lartigue, creator of silk flowers
Riccarda de Eccher, alpinist and artist
Patrizia Caraveo, astrophysicist
Mariacristina Gribaudi, entrepreneur
Lida Lopes Cardozo Kindersley, alphabetician
Lucie Branco, stone mason
The Professional Dream
Helen Nonini, brand advisor
Emily Young, environmental sculptor
Elisabetta Mijno, archer and hand surgeon
Eriko Horiki, washi artist
Elisabetta Ajanì, scenographer
Debora Rizzetto, queen bee breeder
Chloé Meyzie, orchestra conductor
Annalisa Buffo, neuroscientist