The Professional Dream
The dream is not the profession itself, but the sense of anticipation in bringing one’s natural inclinations to life—inclinations that can be shaped into a craft pursued in an original, unique, and non-standardised way, generating economic value and gaining external recognition for its specificity and innovation.
It is not an activity driven by business demands or financial gain. Rather, it is an even more challenging journey—one that begins with choices, decisions, and actions aimed at overcoming obstacles and difficulties in realising our natural inclinations, and ultimately, ourselves.
We can be the ones who pursue a dream (search), or the dream itself can seek us out (vocation). In either case, dreaming within one’s profession means shaping a path that is chosen both consciously and unconsciously. If followed without betraying one’s nature, it becomes a source of personal well-being and a creator of meaningful projects, both for oneself and for others.
The dream is the ongoing search for and discovery of oneself and one’s role in the world through work.
The dream is the language of the soul, communicating through symbols, archetypes, and patterns/analogies that the dreamer can recall and translate into meaningful experiences, enabling personal well-being and the creation of projects.
I use the word “dream” to highlight the impact of unconscious content in shaping a professional path, just as it happens in night dreams. Like a nocturnal dream, a professional dream is also a mystery, yet it follows precise mechanisms—both conscious and unconscious.
The analysis of the professional dream begins with the concept of ori-geniality—the mechanism that allows the dreamer to break free from self-imposed limitations and the need to conform to others’ expectations. The dreamer follows the calls of their soul, which offers ideas, insights, and opportunities, often in the form of meaningful coincidences and events designed to nurture talent and genius.
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Gli altri contributi della mostra
Sevérina Lartigue, creator of silk flowers
Riccarda de Eccher, alpinist and artist
Patrizia Caraveo, astrophysicist
Mariacristina Gribaudi, entrepreneur
Lida Lopes Cardozo Kindersley, alphabetician
Lucie Branco, stone mason
Helen Nonini, brand advisor
Emily Young, environmental sculptor
Elisabetta Mijno, archer and hand surgeon
Eriko Horiki, washi artist
Elisabetta Ajanì, scenographer
Debora Rizzetto, queen bee breeder
Chloé Meyzie, orchestra conductor
Armelle Chiari, metal founder
Annalisa Buffo, neuroscientist